Château Beaubois Events

  • Beaubois Brass 24
  • Festival de Brass Band

Beaubois Brass

Brass Band Festival
Saturday June 8    from 7 p.m. until the end of the night!!!!

Come and and listen to music....drink good wine!!! Whether with family or friends, you will have a good time in our magnificent park.

The brass band is a musical ensemble made up of instruments from the brass family and a more or less important section of percussion.
Different groups will host this weekend.

So do not hesitate,
Book now  below

Prices = 10    ¤ / person 

Catering possible on site (food truck / caterer / oyster farmer).

Domain activities

Où les trouver ?

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Comment les trouver ?

Merci de nous envoyer un e mail avec votre adresse postale et le vin recherché,  nous répondrons le plus rapidement possible à vos souhaits.